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Page 6

  “If there’s something going on to discover.” Ally interrupts.

  Sam pauses before stepping onto the trail. “Right. All the more reason to wait. If I’m wrong, it’ll just get us in trouble.”

  “So, we talk to Kevin and let it all go if he doesn’t know anything and nothing else happens?” Ally is looking at Sam hopefully.


  “But why now?” Ally asks as she follows Sam into the woods. “Why do we have to chase him down and then walk all the way back? It’s like an hour-long hike, Sam!”

  “Because.” Sam turns to look at Ally, and a mischievous grin grows on her face. “I know Kevin well enough to see that he’s up to something. And we’re about to find out what it is.”


  The woods are thick and the trail barely visible as Sam and Ally rush to catch up with Kevin.

  “Are you sure it was him?” Ally asks, snagging a branch that Sam releases ahead of her. “It wouldn’t be the first time we found a trespasser here,” she says nervously, referring to a run-in they had the summer before.

  “I’m positive,” Sam answers. “I only caught a glimpse of him, but he was wearing that horrible red T-shirt with the holes in it he’s always got on. Tori should make him burn it. We’ll probably smell him before we see him.”

  Laughing, Ally doesn’t disagree. “What are we going to say? He isn’t going to be happy to see us.” Sam suddenly stops on the trail, causing Ally to bump into her. “Hey!” she shouts, rubbing at her nose.

  “Shh,” Sam cautions. Stepping aside so Ally can move up next to her, she then points at a clearing visible up ahead. “There’s the cabin,” she whispers.

  Calling the dilapidated structure a cabin is giving it too much credit. Used as a toolshed at some distant point in the past, it later served as a hideout for a criminal and now sits vacant. The roof is partially collapsed, the glass is gone from its two small windows, and the only door hangs precariously from one hinge. As the two girls watch, a distinct flash of light passes across the gaping window facing them.

  “What’s he up to in there?” Sam mumbles, creeping forward.

  “Sam!” Ally protests, grabbing at her arm. “Just call his name. Please? We’re going to make him mad if we sneak up on him. Then he won’t talk to us even if he does know more.”

  Sam stops and looks sideways at Ally. While she’s dying to peek around the open door and surprise Kevin, she knows Ally is right. For them to have any chance of him cooperating, they have to play nice. Compromising, she takes a few more stealthy steps in the direction of the shack before stopping and cupping her hands around her mouth. “Hey! Kevin, is that you in there?” Before he has a chance to answer, she quickly covers the rest of the distance and pulls the broken door open wide.

  “Sam!” Kevin is standing in the center of the small room, a piece of thick paper clasped in one hand and a flashlight in the other. He looks past his cousin and at Ally, who’s standing awkwardly behind her. His surprised expression is replaced with annoyance. “What are you two doing out here?”

  “We could ask you the same thing.” Sam knows she just told herself to be nice, but she can’t help it. Kevin is so arrogant that she’s immediately defensive. Looking past him, she notices a map of the Hollow Inn property tacked to the wall. She recognizes it as one her aunt and uncle give out to guests. There are red lines drawn across several sections. Below it, two other pieces of paper are taped up. They appear to be some sort of lists, with about half the items crossed out. A camping chair sits next to Kevin, and there are several snack items and bottles of water stacked on it.

  Kevin follows Sam’s gaze and his face reddens. “Get out!” he barks, waving the flashlight at her.

  Sam takes a cautionary step back but then stands her ground. “No.”

  Ally tugs at Sam’s arm but when her friend doesn’t budge, she timidly stands next to her. “We just want to talk to you.”

  Kevin looks confused for a moment, but then his features harden. “Right. Talk. You mean nosy little Samantha Wolf has to always find herself a mystery, so she’s decided it’s me. Go ahead,” he spats, throwing the wadded-up paper at her. “Go tattling to Uncle Bill about how I’m not doing my chores and wasting my time looking for this. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out and take all the credit. Just like you always do!”

  Sam bends to pick up the paper and realizes it’s a page from the journal. Frowning, she looks back at her cousin. “Kevin, what are you talking about?” She figured he might be irritated by them following him, but she never expected this reaction.

  “Oh, come on!” Turning, he rips the map from the wall and then holds it up toward the two girls. “You may as well take this too. When my parents hear from Uncle Bill, they’ll make me come home. This was my only chance at getting them to trust me again.” Sweeping the food and water onto the floor, Kevin sits in the chair. Letting the map flutter to the ground, he puts his head in his hands.

  Sam is stunned. Not knowing what to say, she instead looks at the paper and sees that it’s a journal entry. Quickly reading it, her brows narrow and she looks back at Kevin. “This is the missing page from the journal!” She glances at Ally. “It’s describing some sort of hot springs named Christopher’s Pool.”

  “The missing landmark!” Ally gasps. Moving closer to Kevin, she tentatively places a hand on his shoulder. “What are you doing with this?”

  “I found it hidden inside the picture of Christopher,” he answers, his voice muffled behind his hands. Looking up, he spreads his arms wide in exasperation. “You know, the one on the wall above the display? When I realized he was the only one without a landmark named after him, I decided to figure out what it was. After reading the journal to look for clues, I noticed the missing page. I figured if it was hidden somewhere, it would make sense to hide it in something related to Christopher.”

  “Wow,” Sum mutters, impressed. “That was pretty smart. But why all this?” she presses, gesturing to the map and other items in the room. “And who cares if Ally and I know about it? I mean, why is this so important to you?”

  Kevin stands before them, letting out a large, pent-up breath. “At first I decided to find it for the challenge. But then after hearing about the trouble with Stepson and… other stuff, I figured it might help if the inn had another tourist attraction.” He shrugs. “And for once, I might be the one to do something helpful. I got into some trouble this year because of the friends I was hanging out with, so my parents sent me here to get away from them for the summer. I thought doing this for Uncle Bill and Aunt Beth would help. But I guess you always have to be the one in the spotlight, don’t you, Sam?”

  Sam was starting to feel bad for her cousin, but his last remark stings. “I never go looking for the attention we’ve gotten from the mysteries we’ve solved,” she counters. “We’ve done it for the same reason you’re doing this,” she says while shaking the paper, her voice rising. “To help. I’m so sorry if our trying to stop the inn’s permits from being revoked and figuring out how Tori is involved in it interferes with your plans for redemption!”

  “What?” It’s Kevin’s turn to be confused. “You aren’t trying to find the hot spring?”

  “We didn’t even know about it until now,” Ally says, stepping between Sam and Kevin. “Honest.”

  Kevin looks back and forth between Sam and Ally. His eyes narrowing, he picks up the map. “I’ve searched over half the property already. The journal only describes what it is, not where it is. So it’s probably useless anyway. It might not even really be here.” Walking to the wall, he replaces the tack in the map and steps back. “What did you mean about Stepson and Tori?” he asks, his back still to them.

  “We saw Tori leave something like a care package in the woods,” Sam reveals, deciding to go all in. “Near where the little boy was found by that lady, Kat. There was a picture inside the bag of her and Tori together, so we think they’re related. And,” she continues, when Ke
vin remains silent. “we’re pretty sure Tori was avoiding the sheriff when we went into town with her this morning. We found out from the librarian that this Anthony Stepson’s great-grandfather used to be partners with the Hollows, but they bought him out by giving him half their land. Something weird is going on over there, Kevin, and I’m afraid that for whatever reason, it involves stopping our aunt and uncle from using the property as an inn.

  Kevin finally faces Sam again, and his expression is now one of curiosity. “You mean his great-great-grandfather.”

  “What?” Ally asks, relieved most of the tension appears to have evaporated.

  “Do the math, Sherlock. Harvey Stepson would have to be Anthony’s great-great-grandfather,” Kevin explains, grinning. “And you’re right. It isn’t a commune.”

  Intrigued, Sam takes a step closer to Kevin, tilting her head slightly to the side. “Then what is it?”

  His grin widening, Kevin looks first at Ally and then at Sam. “I’m not sure, but maybe if we work together, we can figure it out.”


  Sam isn’t sure how she feels about their new alliance. It happened so fast and was so unexpected she’s not certain how it even transpired.

  “I think it might be fun to include Kevin,” Ally states as they finally approach the driveway of the inn. They’ve been hiking for well over an hour since they left Kevin in the shack, and they’re already late for dinner.

  “I don’t know if fun is the right word,” Sam says. Stopping shy of the front porch, she places her hands on her hips and looks around to make sure they’re alone. “I’ll admit he knows more than we do, but I’m afraid he’ll end up just being a pain.”

  Kevin revealed to them that while he’d been out searching the property for the hot springs, he’d happened upon the back border and apparently where the Stepsons’ main house is built. While he swore he didn’t trespass and only looked from afar, Sam is suspicious because of the details he gave. According to Kevin, in addition to the main house, there are two smaller structures, a large barn, and two old motor homes. Instead of families and kids running around, he saw several middle-aged, “rough-looking” men. There was also a whole lot of machinery, tools, and stacked wood near the barn.

  “The key is to focus on Christopher’s Pool,” Ally says. Crossing her arms defiantly, her mouth sets in a firm line. “We promised your aunt we wouldn’t pry. She’s right that whatever is going on between Anthony Stepson and your uncle isn’t our business. Tori isn’t either,” she continues, lowering her voice. “So instead, we’ll find something totally harmless to concentrate on, like the hot springs, and help Kevin out. I think it’s sweet he wants to find it for your Uncle Bill. And he’s right that it would make a great tourist attraction if it’s nice enough.”

  “And if we happen to find something else while we’re looking…” Sam’s voice trails off, and she raises her shoulders innocently.

  “Girls! I thought you’d be down at the lake by now.” Beth pushes the front door of the inn the rest of the way open and stares down at them.

  “We decided to go for a hike,” Sam answers. “We’re on our way there now.”

  “Actually, this is good timing. Hang on.” Disappearing back in the house, Beth leaves the girls staring questioningly at each other. She reappears a minute later with a pie balanced on each hand. “I was about to take dessert down. These just came out of the oven. If you can handle driving the golf cart, you can use the one Tori left behind and take these for me. I still need to clean the Mileys’ rooms.”

  “I’ve been my dad’s caddie at the golf club lots of times,” Ally says, smiling broadly. “I can do it!”

  Retrieving the pies from her aunt, Sam promises to be careful with them. Setting one on the seat between her and Ally, she sets the other in her lap. “Watch the bumps,” she cautions her friend in a serious tone. “Aunt Beth’s apple pies are nothing to mess around with.”

  Laughing, Ally flips her hair back before carefully maneuvering the golf cart onto the small gravel lane. Although well maintained, there are still some potholes that she expertly avoids.

  “I learn something new about you every day,” Sam teases. “How come I didn’t know you could drive a golf cart?”

  “I guess it’s never come up before! Dad hasn’t done much golfing this past year after his promotion at work.” Frowning, Ally accelerates slowly as they start heading downhill. “He’s gone most weekends now.”

  Sam understands how Ally feels. While her own mom quit her teaching job after having the twins three years ago, her dad works as a commercial fisherman. He’s been promoted recently too and spends over half the year up in Alaska now, running various fishing vessels for his boss.

  “Maybe I can go next time?” Sam asks, trying to put a positive spin on it. “I’ve never been golfing, but I’d like to learn.”

  “We don’t have to wait,” Ally answers, her smile returning. “When we get back, we’ll set up a driving range on your back property. There’s plenty of room for it, and I can teach you how to swing a golf club. Or maybe John should. He’s a lot better than me, and I know you’d listen more to him.”

  Blushing slightly, Sam is saved from having to reply when they hit a large bump. Crying out, she lunges for the pie on the seat and barely manages to save it from certain death.

  “Sorry!” Ally chirps. “Didn’t see that one.”

  They’re about halfway down the hill now, and Sam suddenly realizes how hungry she is. “I hope the food is still hot.”

  The sound of another cart approaching surprises them both, and they lean forward in anticipation of its appearance. A moment later, Tori rounds the curve coming up the hill and looks confused when she sees them. As they pass each other, she waves and brakes at the same time.

  “I was just coming to get you!” she calls out.

  Twisting in the seat, Sam watches as Tori turns her cart around and starts after them, trying to catch up. “Hey, slow down,” she says absently to Ally. But Tori falls farther behind.

  “Girls!” Tori yells, sounding irritated. “Wait!”

  Their cart continues to pick up speed, pulling away from Tori. Confused, Sam turns toward her friend. Ally’s face is pale, and she’s gripping the steering wheel so tightly that her fingers are white. “Ally, why aren’t you stopping?”

  “I’m trying!” Ally wails. Her eyes wild, she looks frantically at Sam. She’s pressing down so hard on the brake that she’s practically standing. “The brakes don’t work!”


  “What do you mean?” Sam demands. Her heart begins to hammer in her chest as the realization dawns on her. They can’t stop.

  “I mean, we don’t have any brakes!” Ally’s voice cracks and tears stream from her eyes. “What do I do?”

  The small road is rapidly coming to an end. They’re in the steepest part, and Sam knows they’ll soon need to make a sharp turn toward the lake. “Turn it off?”

  Ally shakes her head desperately. “No, I’ll lose the steering. And it won’t help slow us down. I’m not giving it any gas! It’s all momentum now.”

  “Is there an emergency brake?” Sam crouches down to look for any sort of lever, the pie falling to the floor unnoticed.

  “I don’t think so.” Ally gasps, trying again to stand on the brake. “They usually have a parking brake, but it releases when you give it gas. You can’t set it when it’s running.”

  As the cart plunges ahead, the gravel road provides some friction and Sam thinks they might be slowing a little, but it’s not going to be enough. She can see the turn now. There’s no way they can make it.

  “Slow down! What are you doing?”

  Sam looks back again at Tori who’s gained some ground but is still a fair distance behind them. “We lost the brakes!” Sam shouts, sticking her head out the open side and waving her free arm, the other clenched tightly around the frame.

  Tori’s expression changes from annoyance to shock. “Put it i
n reverse!” she cries. “Ally, put it in reverse!”

  “Tori said to put it in reverse,” Sam repeats breathlessly as she turns back to face the road. They have about a hundred feet before they’re sure to slam into one of the many trees lining the road. “Ally, now!” she yells more forcefully.

  Ally jerks her head toward Sam at the harsh words but it breaks through her fear. Giving a gasp of understanding, she grabs the small shifter and slams it back into reverse. There’s a horrible metallic grinding noise, and although the cart doesn’t stop, it slows enough that Ally is able to maneuver them around the curve. Once through, the road levels out as they approach the beach. By the time they reach the sand, the cart is barely crawling, and as Bill and the Mileys turn to see what the noise is, it stops safely on the shore.

  Dazed, her throat still constricted from fear, Sam tries to swallow but can’t. Gagging, she wipes at her eyes and takes a shuddering breath.

  The second cart comes to a grating stop nearby as Tori reaches them. “Are you okay?”

  Sam blinks rapidly before focusing on Tori and giving a small nod. Finally able to swallow, she turns to Ally, who’s still gripping the steering wheel. “Ally?”

  Ally pries her fingers from the wheel and laughs nervously as she looks down at their feet. “Your aunt is going to be furious.”

  Confused, Sam follows Ally’s gaze to discover the two piles of smashed apple pie on the floor. Chuckling, she reaches down and takes a fair-sized chunk off the top. “We can probably salvage some of it.”

  Shaking her head, Tori finally smiles. “That was some impressive driving back there, Ally.”

  Ally blushes from the compliment, but her complexion is still ashen. She’s trying to put on a brave face but it’s the most terrified she’s been in quite a while. “It reminds me to always do a brake check. My dad warned me that golf carts are notorious for bad brakes, but—”