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Page 8

  Sam breathes a sigh of relief, glad that the air will be cleared between the three adults. But as Tori quickly leaves the cabin on her mission, a small stirring of dread begins to build.

  “What’s wrong?” Ally asks. She can read Sam like a book.

  “When Uncle Bill finds out we knew about this and that we were snooping around in the woods the other day spying on Tori—”

  “Uh-oh.” Ally says.

  “Yeah,” Sam swallows hard. “Uh-oh.”

  “What?” Kevin asks as he bursts in through the back door of the cabin. His hair is sprinkled with wood chips, and his cheeks are flushed. “You guys manage to get into trouble while I was busy working? Are you ready to go find the hot spring?”

  “Yes to both questions,” Sam says evenly. Hooking Ally’s arm, she directs her toward Kevin and the back door, where their backpacks are hanging. Grabbing them, they make a quick detour into the kitchen to get some snacks and water.

  Kevin is still standing at the open door when they return, a lopsided grin on his face. “Why the rush?”

  Glancing outside, Sam slips her backpack over her shoulders before answering. “Because this may be the only chance we’re going to get to find Christopher’s Pool,” she says, her face grim. “And we need to go now before both the storms brewing are unleashed.”


  By using the boat to cross the lake, they cut their travel time in half. Kevin was given permission by their uncle to use the one with the trolling motor whenever he wanted, making it even faster.

  Sam struggles briefly to locate a large, fallen cedar tree as a marker for where she and Ally went ashore last time, but she finally spots it. Pointing it out to Kevin, he steers them in as close as possible before cutting the motor. The growing waves lap at Sam’s legs when she jumps out, and she looks worriedly at the sky.

  “We’re probably going to have to hike back,” Ally says as they haul the boat ashore. “The lake is going to be too rough.”

  Kevin takes a moment to look up at the clouds after tying the boat to a sturdy tree. “You’re probably right,” he agrees. “I think we’re going to get wet.”

  “It’s okay,” Sam says. “We’ve all got our sweatshirts, and I brought a flashlight. “I’ve also got the radio, just in case.”

  “We aren’t going to need the radio,” Kevin says with some annoyance. “It’s an easy hike and a little rain. I thought you were more… adventurous, Sam.”

  Sam bristles at the insult. “Being prepared is smart, Kevin. Maybe you don’t understand that since Ally and I have more experience with this sort of thing.”

  “We really should get going,” Ally interjects, moving in between the two cousins. She’s afraid she’ll be running a lot of interference.

  Scoffing loudly, Kevin pushes past Sam and leads the way into the woods. Although the girls told him about finding Tori, he still doesn’t know how to get there, so Sam quickly passes him and heads in the right direction.

  Fifteen minutes later, they approach the ravine, and Sam points to a large stump. “There,” she announces. “That’s where Tori put the bag. I wonder if Kat got it.” The bag is gone.

  “Who cares,” Kevin mutters as he enters the ravine. During the boat ride, Sam filled him in on their conversation with Tori, but he isn’t as interested in what he called her ‘family drama’ as he is in the hot springs.

  Rain has started to fall, but the canopy of trees is keeping most of it from reaching them so far. Still, Sam feels a chill as the temperature noticeably drops as the weather front pushes in. Slipping her sweatshirt on, she rushes to catch up with Kevin and Ally.

  “How far do you think this ravine goes?” Ally asks

  “It’s hard to tell from the map,” Kevin says. He easily climbs over a huge, fallen tree and then turns to help Ally.

  Sam slips twice on the rotting trunk but makes it to the top unassisted. From her perch, she strains to see how far the gully reaches. Although it’s barely past noon, the woods are as dark as twilight. Looking up, Sam can see the ominous, swirling storm is directly overhead. As she starts to jump to the ground, a flash of light cuts through the gloom, immediately followed by a deafening clap of thunder.

  “Oh!” Ally screams, clasping Kevin’s arm. “That was close!”

  Rolling her eyes, Sam grins at Ally as she walks around her and Kevin. “We’ll be fine, Ally. Come on! I’m guessing it isn’t that far. Kat made it sound like the other end was pretty close when she brought Bailey to us.”

  “Can I have that flashlight?” Kevin asks, moving up next to Sam.

  Resisting the urge to make a smart comment, Sam retrieves the flashlight from her bag and hands it to Kevin without a word. He gives her a crooked smile, which she takes as his form of an apology. Smiling back, they continue on in silence.

  Ally watches the exchange and then follows, shaking her head. She’ll never understand the silent communication the Wolf family often shares.

  The ravine starts out wide but quickly narrows to less than five feet across and is littered with fallen trees, making their progress slow. The steep sides are lined with broken branches and jutting boulders, likely remnants of a river.

  The wind picks up, howling through the ravine and driving the rain into their backs. Sam and Ally huddle together behind Kevin as they move forward, relying on him to lead the way with the flashlight.

  The growing shadows start to press in on them, turning the day to night. Sam is beginning to wonder if maybe this wasn’t such a good idea when another strobe of lightning reveals what looks like the end of the gully.

  “There!” Kevin shouts, seeing the same thing.

  The walls of the ravine spread out, falling away to form tall cliffs on both sides behind them and an open expanse of forest in front. The menacing sound of moaning, swaying trees greets them along with the telltale cracks of breaking branches.

  “If there really is a cave on the map,” Sam shouts over the wind, “it should be to our left, along this cliff.”

  Ally huddles closer to Sam. “If Bailey saw it, then it must not be that far.”

  Kevin nods in agreement. “I think it’d be a good idea for us to wait out the storm there. It’s not too smart to be under these trees right now.”

  An especially large gust of wind whips up the pine needles around them and sends a branch to the ground only a couple of feet away. Another clap of thunder echoes through the woods at the same time, as if adding extra emphasis to Kevin’s suggestion.

  No further encouragement is needed. The three teens hurry in what they hope is the right direction, the beam of the flashlight bouncing wildly along the ground at their feet, revealing obstacles in their path.

  “There!” Sam shouts after only a few minutes. Even in the dim light, they can see thick swirls of white curling vapor emanating from a gaping cave not far ahead. Sam notices the telltale smell of rotten eggs. She’s visited hot springs before while camping with her family, and the aroma of sulfur is hard to forget.

  “I’ll bet it’s warm in there too!” Ally says with some relief.

  Eager to take cover, Kevin plows ahead, but Sam hesitates. “Maybe we should be careful,” she cautions him. “There’s a reason Shawn Hollow hid its location.”

  But Kevin is already disappearing into the mouth of the cave. Ally follows after looking back briefly at Sam. Her skin prickling, Sam has to force herself to move, fighting against her instinct.

  “Kevin, is it safe?” she calls out. He doesn’t answer. “Ally?”

  With growing apprehension, Sam steps across the cave’s threshold and then gasps. Christopher’s Pool is a massive, natural cavern filled with stalactites and scattered pools of steaming water. Kevin is standing a short distance inside, with Ally crouched behind his protective arm. Standing in front of them are three men and a woman.

  “Come in,” the largest of the men barks at Sam. “Join us. We were just about to discuss the dangers of exploring an unknown cave.” As he speaks, the ma
n slowly draws a gun from the back of his waistband.


  Sam is frozen to the spot, unable to move out of fear. Tearing her gaze away from their assailant, she finds Ally staring at her with shock-filled eyes. This isn’t the first time they’ve been at gunpoint, but that doesn’t make it any less terrifying.

  “Look, man, I don’t know what you think we’re doing, but we’re only out for a hike,” Kevin says evenly, his hands splayed out in submission. “We’re just getting out of the storm. We don’t care who you are.”

  Sam is impressed that Kevin’s voice only cracks once, but the last part of his plea gives her pause. Looking back again at the adults, she notices what else is in the cave. Scattered lanterns reveal several wooden crates stacked up against the wall behind them, along with shovels, pickaxes, and headlamps. A folding table and two chairs are next to the equipment, several trays with various clumps of rocks and dirt on it. What looks like a microscope is positioned in the middle of it all, along with a bright lamp and scale.

  “Ah, but we care who you are,” the man replies, his voice dripping with mockery. “The niece and nephew of our good friend, Mr. Bill Clark.”

  “Anthony, let them go.”

  Sam squints in the gloomy interior of the cave to see the woman who spoke, but she already knows by her voice that it’s Kat. She’s moved bravely in front of Anthony and the gun he has trained on Kevin, with only a shovel in her hand.

  “They’re just kids,” Kat says, looking at one of the other men. “Matt, you can’t go along with this!”

  “Shut up!” Anthony shouts, his voice echoing through the cavern. Shoving Kat aside, he moves closer to Kevin while gesturing at Sam with the gun. “Get over here.”

  Sam stumbles on some loose rocks as she awkwardly makes her way next to Ally. Her heart is hammering so loudly that she’s sure everyone must be able to hear it. Swallowing hard, she tries to drum up the courage to speak. She knows if they can keep them talking, it’ll give them more opportunities to look for a way out of the situation.

  “You’ve found another way into the mine,” Kevin states, beating Sam to it.

  Anthony looks at him with approval. “Indeed. Of course, this little piece of real estate is still in your uncle’s domain, not to mention the rights to the mine.”

  “That’s why Shawn Hollow hid this,” Sam murmurs. “He knew the cave system was connected to the mine’s tunnels, and he never wanted anyone to go in there again.”

  “Well, they used to be connected,” Anthony corrects. “Before the infamous cave-in. It’s taken some work, but we’ve been able to locate the original gold vein.” He turns to smile at Kat when he says this and gives her a wink.

  “You’re a mineralogist,” Sam says to Kat, thinking out loud. “You helped them trace it.”

  Kat hangs her head in shame. “They lied to me,” she says without looking up. “It was never supposed to be like this.”

  “Your whole fight against the permits was to keep my uncle from finding this place,” Kevin says, his voice rising. “You’re all trespassing, and I’ll bet digging here like this is illegal too.”

  Chuckling, Anthony shakes his head. Lightning strobes through the cave, adding to the nightmarish scene. “Preventing your uncle from discovering this cave might have been my original goal.” He pauses as the mountain around them vibrates with rolling thunder. “But now I’ve had a much better opportunity dropped in my lap.”

  Sam can’t see a way out. The three grown men can easily overpower them even without the weapon. No one knows they’re there. She thinks about the radio in her backpack and wonders if it’ll work inside the cave or if she can even get to it.

  “What are you going to do?” Ally’s voice is barely more than a whisper and is tinged with hysteria.

  Sam moves her arm from Ally’s and wraps it around her friend’s shoulders as Kevin edges farther in front of them. Although bigger than either Sam or Ally, Kevin still looks small in comparison to the other men.

  Anthony smirks. “When Bill Clark’s own niece and nephew are killed in a tragic accident on his property, he’ll not only lose the permits but I bet it won’t take long before he’s more than willing to sell Hollow Inn.”

  A cold fist of fear settles in Sam’s stomach. He means it. He’s going to kill them and use their deaths to get control of the rights to the mine.

  “Are you crazy?” Kat shrieks. Stepping back in front of Anthony she bravely squares off with him. “They’re just kids!”

  Anthony moves with lightning speed, ripping the shovel from Kat’s hands and throwing it aside. He then raises the gun so that it’s mere inches from her chest. “I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself.”

  Kat wipes at a tear and takes a wobbly step away from the weapon. “Matt, you can’t let this happen!”

  Matt looks awkwardly back and forth between Kat and Anthony, obviously conflicted. “Yeah, I dunno, Anthony. I’m all for getting rich, but murdering a bunch of kids wasn’t part of the deal.”

  “The deal was and always has been about doing whatever it takes to get the gold. Millions of dollars’ worth of gold,” Anthony barks. “Since Kat wants out, maybe an extra ten percent will help soothe your moral objections.”

  Matt takes only a minute to wrestle with his conscience. “Fifteen percent and I’ll do whatever you want.”

  Betrayed, Kat’s shoulders sag. A sob escapes before she turns away from Matt.

  Grunting once, Anthony shifts slightly to look at both men. “Done. That includes you too, Curt.”

  Curt only nods in response but takes a step closer to Anthony to show his solidarity. It’s obvious by his long hair, scruffy beard, and soiled clothes that Curt hasn’t spent much time outside the caves recently. His eyes have a wild look that makes Sam think of gold fever. She’s read about it several times and knows it can make people do things they’d never normally consider.

  Engrossed in her observations, Sam almost misses the subtle motion in front of her. Kevin has moved his left hand behind his back and is slowly counting down with his fingers. Sam’s muscles tense in anticipation.

  “Oh, man,” Kevin says with exaggeration while waving his right hand in the air. “That was way too easy, Matt. You should have asked for twenty percent.”

  Matt frowns, and Anthony sees it, recoiling slightly at the reaction. It’s a brief distraction but it’s all Kevin needs.

  Sam shoves Ally to the ground while Kevin lunges in the other direction, toward the shovel. A shot rings out and rock chips fly off the wall of the cavern some twenty feet behind where they were just standing.

  Scrambling for the darker recesses of the cave, Sam looks back. Kevin is standing up, swinging the shovel at Anthony’s arm at the same time. The older man is turning toward Kevin but doesn’t finish the pivot in time. The shovel crashes into Anthony’s forearm and the gun goes flying. Before he can recover, Kat lunges for his legs, successfully knocking Anthony to the ground.

  Matt and Curt don’t move immediately, standing instead in stunned silence. Kevin doesn’t need any prompting. Still gripping the shovel, he runs toward Sam and Ally.

  Back on her feet, Sam slips the backpack from her shoulder as the three of them run. They can’t see very well. Kevin dropped the flashlight during the scuffle, and the light from the lanterns don’t reach this far. She only knows that they have to get away from the three men, and they’re between them and the entrance to the cave. If they can find the tunnels, maybe they can hide long enough for help to get there. If the radio works.

  Sam trips and then stumbles forward. Putting her hands out, she falls against a rock wall. It’s a dead end.

  “We’re trapped!” Ally cries. Turning, she presses up against the wall and looks back the way they’ve come. They haven’t gone far. It’ll only be a matter of minutes before Anthony finds them.

  Sam desperately snatches the radio from her bag, her breath catching when she can’t figure out right away where the power bu
tton is. Finally there’s a brief hiss of static, and a red light glows softly. At the same time, a flashlight snaps on near the front of the cave and begins sweeping the space in front of them.

  “Uncle Bill!” Sam gasps into the radio. “Uncle Bill we’re in trouble.” She’s answered by a persistent static. Straining to see Kevin and Ally’s faces huddled close to her own, she tries not to cry. “It isn’t working.”

  “There’s nothing your Uncle Bill can do for you now,” Anthony mocks.

  A beam of light lands on Sam’s face, and she squints into it, wondering if it’s going to be the last thing she sees.

  “I can’t imagine it’s possible to have a good explanation for any of this,” a voice says.

  The light disappears from Sam’s face, and she blinks rapidly to refocus on where the new voice came from. She recognized the clipped speech, and as Anthony turns the light on the tall man at the mouth of the cave, his identity is confirmed.

  Mr. Appleton expertly pulls back the rack on the dropped handgun he picked up, chambering a bullet. He calmly points it at Anthony. “Because it certainly sounded like you were threatening these children.”


  “If Bill doesn’t want to press charges against you for trespassing, there isn’t any reason for me to take you into custody at this time,” the sheriff states, looking grimly at Kat.

  Sam grips her large mug of hot chocolate, taking comfort from the warmth it transfers to her hands. They’ve been back at Hollow Inn for nearly an hour now, but she’s still cold.

  “Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Clark,” Kat says.

  Tori pulls her sister closer to her and sniffs loudly. The two are leaning against the counter in the bright kitchen since all the seats at the small table are taken. “I can’t say I’m sorry enough times.” Tori’s voice is thick with emotion.